If you’re a pumping and/or breastfeeding mom facing a power outage, here are some ways to prepare.
- Store as much ice as you can in the freezer beforehand to keep your breast milk frozen as long as possible.
- Once power is lost, try your best not to open the freezer door. This will help keep your breast milk from thawing.
- Keep a canister of formula and fresh water with your baby or baby's caregiver in the event that you are separated for a period of time.
If you need to pump without your regular source of power:
- Consider using a car adapter and/or battery pack for your electric pump
- Some electric pumps can also be converted to manual use - learn how to do this ahead of time. If not, consider stocking up with a back-up manual/hand pump.
Keeping frozen milk frozen:
In a freezer:
- A freezer will hold the temperature for approximately 48 hours if the door remains closed, according to the USDA.
- Items will stay frozen longer if your freezer is full. If you know ahead of time that you may lose power, fill empty spaces with containers of water/ice.
- If your breast milk begins to thaw but still has ice crystals, it can safely be refrozen. If your milk thaws, do not refreeze, and use within 24 - 48 hrs. (Kelly Mom)
In a cooler:
- Milk Stork Stash coolers can hold up to 180oz of frozen milk.
- Stash coolers maintain frozen milk for up to 96 hours.
For more information, we recommend the following resources with links:
- How to protect and pump breast milk during a power outage (Care.com)
- My power went out and I have breastmilk in the freezer – Help! (KellyMom.com)
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