Pick-ups are not automatically scheduled for Milk Stork shipments.
As of August 2024, you can scan the QR code on your FedEx shipping label to schedule a pick-up. This eliminates the need for lengthy phone calls or online forms, giving you the flexibility to schedule your pick-up at your convenience. Pick-ups must be scheduled no more than one business day in advance.
Once the pick-up is successfully scheduled, you will receive an automated email from FedEx confirming the scheduled pick-up.
⚠️ If you receive an error, please ensure that you are logged in to your Milk Stork account before scanning or clicking on the QR code. Alternatively, you can use this URL to schedule the pick-up by adding the 5-6 digit order number after the last forward slash: https://www.milkstork.com/schedule-pickup/order/
When scheduled during business hours, pick-ups can usually be arranged for the next business day or Saturday. Same-day pick-ups may be available near major transportation hubs or cities.
Please note that pick-ups are not available for any international locations and most remote domestic locations. Contact FedEx to inquire about availability in your remote location.
For pick-up information, please consult your Milk Stork account or email. Contact our Customer Care team if you have any questions.
If you do not wish schedule a pick-up, you can drop off your coolers at any authorized FedEx location. FedEx-approved shipping locations can be found here. ⚠️Whenever possible, using an actual FedEx Office Print & Ship Center or FedEx Ship Center rather than a 3rd party "authorized location" is highly recommended.
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